Asanas are safest, reliable and most economical way to manage diabetes. You can practice basic to advance asanas in your own room. Early morning time is best, as air remains fresh, and energy level reaches at its maximum after overnight sleep. It reduces your dependency on medications, which weakens your digestive system. Moreover, asanas also help in burning calories without making you exhaust. Weight-management is must for diabetic patient.
Hectic routine of life is aggravating the existing problem of blood sugar. Mental stress, anxiety and intake of chemicals via food are contributory factors. The foremost thing is to change your mind and give special treatment to peace and harmony in life. Hatha yoga and meditation are excellent way to rejuvenate and relax mind, body and senses. Soothing asanas not only reduce blood sugar but helps in curing other complications. It boosts immunity power of body.
Asana is not merely expanding or relaxing chest while sitting upright. Body awareness is integral part of hatha yoga asanas. It opens new possibilities of disease-free and depression-less life. Alignment and adjustment of balancing asanas strengthen your bond with nature. It becomes comfortable in the treatment of diabetes in yogic way.
Here are some selective asanas to manage diabetes in smart way
Surya namaskara or sun salutation is a set of 12 asanas of hatha yoga. There is specific seed mantra for each asana. Always practice with empty stomach, preferably in morning time. It works on cardiovascular system of your body. It helps in de-stressing the body in a balancing way, which otherwise can aggravate the problem. The rhythmic gentle movements are practiced early in the morning when mind is fresh and environment is pure.
Benefits of surya namaskar to control diabetes
Lie flat on the abdomen with chin resting on the floor. Put your hands in line with armpits. Straight both elbows making arch of the back. Extend your feet. Push your chest forward like a cobra. Move your head back and turn your sight upward. Thighs should be in-touch with floor while arms support the body’s weight. Hold breath in final position. Inhale while lifting upper portion of body. Practice for 20-25 minutes initially, and then gradually increase the duration.
Benefits of cobra pose to control diabetes
This pose is excellent to control blood sugar. Sit in thunderbolt pose on your kneel. Make a fist with thumb tucked well. Place your fist against abdomen covering each side of navel. Feel the pressure of fist near abdomen. Bend forward gently and press your navel with fists. Hold this position at least for 10 seconds with holding your breath. Inhale and return to original position. Keep your back straight. Repeat this asana as per your strength and stamina of body.
Benefits of frog pose to control diabetes
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Sit on the floor with folded legs from kneel. Your back, shoulder and neck should be upright. Make comfortable space in-between heels & bring both toes together. Place gently your buttocks on the inner side of folded legs. With complete relaxation, place your hands on each side of the knees. Your palms should be placed towards the floor. Close your eyes and relax the whole body and mind. This is the only asana which you can practice immediately after meal.
Benefits of thunderbolt pose to control diabetes
Sit on the floor with lengthening legs with feet together. Put your hands on the knees. This is the basic position of back stretching pose. Gently move forward the upper part of the body. Bend from the hips with outstretched hands touching the top of knees. Hold the big toes with fingers and thumbs. If not possible, then you can hold heels or ankles with no jerk in the body. Put your forehead on the knees. Hold this position as long as possible. Inhale in initial position and exhale as bend forward. Go for 4-5 rounds if learning in a reputed yoga school.
Benefits of back-stretching pose
Sit in thunderbolt pose with kneel on the floor. Place your hands on the knees with palms down. Lift only one leg and place your hands below the shoulders. Relax the whole body. Hold this static tiger pose for few seconds. Repeat this exercise with by lifting another leg. Inhale while stretching leg and exhale while swinging leg. Practice this yogic pose for few rounds.
Benefits of tiger pose for diabetes
Lie flat on your tummy with legs and feet together. Bend the knees and hold ankles with hands. Stretch your body like a bow with knees and thighs firmly on the ground. Position your chins with resting on the floor. Look straight ahead. Hold the final position for 10-12 seconds with head tilted back. Inhale in resting position, and exhale while releasing this pose. Retain the breath while raising your body. Practice 3-5 rounds initially, if you are yoga beginner.
Sit on the floor with outstretched legs. Slowly bend left leg touching the floor. The sole of foot must touch right thigh. With straight back, place both hands on top of right knee. Move forward with hands sliding and hold the right foot. You can hold big toe with index finger, middle finger and thumb. Touch the knee with the forehead. Hold final position as long as possible. You can practice janu sirshana with controlled breath for quick recovery.