Our Teaching

One Divine Is Acting in All

Yoga is spiritual science to discover hidden ‘divinity’ within you. It doesn’t matter what you do; where you live and to which religion you follow. You can know many things by reading books and encyclopaedia, but without knowing yourself all is worthless. You remain in misery no matter how much you accumulate. You think through the mind, but don’t know the mind. Don’t let yourself to live in complete delusion and ignorance. Various formats of yoga teacher training focus on the relation between mind, body and breath. Meditation course gives you an insight from where the thoughts originates and how to be aware of baseless repetitive thoughts. Science reveals how brain works, but yoga focuses on the mind that controls brain and five senses. The teachings of Satbodh Foundation merges both scientific temper and spiritual outlook to understand all the dimensions of life.        

  • Satbodh teaching is inclusive and assimilative.
  • It embraces science with reverence
  • It acknowledges the unity of scientific and yogic inquiry.
  • Both seek the unity of existence in the One.


Mind and Consciousness

In common parlance, it is believed that mind and consciousness are the same. But yoga science says something different. Everything is consciousness, be it sentient and insentient matter. Even mountain, river, fountain is as conscious as you are. Self (atma) is conscious (atma chetanayam says Shiva in “Siva Sutras”), but mind is merely inner instrument for cognition through five senses. When you sleep, mind also sleeps. But consciousness never sleeps, as it doesn’t need any rest. The teachings of yoga course trains you how to tame the wandering mind and understanding its ‘tricks’ and remain in self-control under every challenging situation.     

Hatha Yoga

In common parlance, it is believed that mind and consciousness are the same. But yoga science says something different. Everything is consciousness, be it sentient and insentient matter. Even mountain, river, fountain is as conscious as you are. Self (atma) is conscious (atma chetanayam says Shiva in “Siva Sutras”), but mind is merely inner instrument for cognition through five senses. When you sleep, mind also sleeps. But consciousness never sleeps, as it doesn’t need any rest. The teachings of yoga course trains you how to tame the wandering mind and understanding its ‘tricks’ and remain in self-control under every challenging situation.     

Teaching Objective

Satbodh Foundation believes that yoga teaching is not a fixed hour class-boundary exercise, but yoga should be a part of your life. Meditation enters your life so deeply that your every act should be a meditative one. Meditation is not in books, but you will find meditation in ever-flowing river, silent and fixed mountain and in the gurgling sound of fountain. Our teaching objective is to bring finest in you at the surface and to removes permanently what hinders your path to divinity. The work of yoga teacher is only to carry you to the divine guru which is sitting at the heart-core of every aspirant.      

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